Environmental Policy
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The Environmental and Sustainability Statement of H&L Motors is to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, that its operations will be carried out with a commitment to protecting and enhancing the environment.
As a business that uses materials that could potentially harm the environment – oils, solvents, cleaning fluids etc, we recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements, and as such we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points. We will encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same.
H&L Motors is committed to ensuring our Environmental Policy is implemented and is disseminated to all interested parties. All H&L Motors employees must adhere to the aims and objectives of the Policy.
1. Our stated aims are to:
1.1 Comply with and where possible, exceed all regulatory requirements.
1.2 Continually monitor and work to improve our environmental performance.
1.3 Continually monitor and work to improve and thereby reduce our environmental impacts.
1. 4 Where possible, incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.
1.5 Ensure that where relevant, all employees are trained to have awareness of environmental issues that relate to the business.
2. Paper
2.1 We will seek to minimise the use of paper in our office, using digital means where possible.
2.2 We will recycle paper where possible.
2.3 We will seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products.
3. Business Consumables
Waste products are a necessary by-product of our industry. Waste produced in our business includes spent oils and lubricants, worn out or damaged mechanical assemblies and old tyres.
3.1 Where possible we will use recycled or ecologically friendly paper towels to clean up.
3.2 We will seek to reduce our consumption of resources and improve the efficiency of those resources by using concentrated products where practicable.
3.3 We will recycle all paper products unless the manufacturer of the cleaning product does not recommend it.
3.4 We will aim to continuously improve our environmental performance particularly with regards to our choice of the products we use, ensuring wherever possible that their use will not cause harm to the environment.
3.5 We will manage waste generated from the business operations according to the principles of reduction and recycling.
3.6 We will ensure that all used oils and other lubricants are stored for collection, and that mechanical parts are sent to the appropriate recycling centres.
4. Energy and Water
4.1 We will seek to reduce the amount of energy used in our workshop.
4.2 Lights and electrical equipment will be switched off when not in use.
4.3 Where possible, heating levels will be adjusted downwards with energy consumption in mind.
4.4 The energy consumption and efficiency of new products will be taken into account when purchasing.
5. Transport
5.1 Driving is a necessary part of our work. Wherever possible we will drive the most fuel efficient vehicles between jobs.
5.2 Through employee training on efficient driving, we will seek to reduce our fuel consumption.
5.3 We will ensure that our vehicles are regularly serviced to maintain their optimum efficiency.
5.4 We will try to encourage our suppliers to use fuel efficient vehicles for their deliveries.
6. Green Culture
6.1 We will involve our staff in the implementation of this Policy in order to achieve greater commitment and improved performance.
6.2 We will work with our suppliers, contractors or sub-contractors to encourage them to improve their environmental performance.
6.3 Where possible, we will use local labour and material suppliers in an attempt to reduce our CO2 footprint.
6.4 If any liquids are spilt in the workshop, we will use the appropriate cleaning/soak up media, and will not allow any liquids to enter the drainage system or local waterways.
6.5 All storage tanks will be bunded to prevent leakage to the environment.
6.6 Bike racks are available at our premises to encourage all employees to cycle to work.
7. Investment in Electric Vehicle Training and Repairs
We are committed to investing in electronic vehicle training and repair.
7.1 All H&L employees have undertaken electronic vehicle awareness training.
7.2 MET Technicians are currently undertaking High Voltage Training with an aim to be fully qualified by the end of 2021.
7.3 All Service Technicians will be considered for High Voltage Training in 2022.
7.4 We have invested in specialised manufacturer equipment to carry out safe repairs to electric vehicles and have installed a quarantine area for electric vehicles under risk assessment.
As we strive for excellence in every aspect of our business we are totally committed to minimising the environmental impacts of our business operation.
As part of this commitment we will ensure this Policy is reviewed and updated as necessary.
The management team endorses these policy statements and is fully committed to their implementation.