Another Proud Win for Park Lane Stables
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Spring is in the air, which means it is awards time and Park Lane Stables have hit gold again!
Despite bring shortlisted alongside some tough competition from Garioch Carriage Driving for the Disabled and the Stella Hancock Driving Group RDA, they have been recognised as the Driving for the Disabled Group of the Year in the 2021 Carriage Driving Awards.
You have probably seen the carriage, Harriot the Chariot, which we commissioned for Park Lane Stables in 2018. It has often been a feature at local community events, but more importantly it is specially adapted for wheelchair users, which allows even the most disabled people access to the joy and therapeutic effect of horses.
Keep a look out in Bushy Park and you may spot Sam, their lovely carriage trained horse, drawing the carriage, with their expert driver David or trainee drivers Mahmoud or Peter at the helm.
As a long term sponsor of Park Lane Stables, we are delighted to see them continue to thrive despite the last couple of difficult years, but as a charity they continue to rely on the generosity of their community. If you feel you are able to support them, please head over to the donation webpage of this very worth local charity.
Published: 29/04/22
Categories: Blog